I don’t know how many times I’ve heard “I’m sure you hate pacifiers.” Its a common assumption placed on lactation consultants! For years, every one was told to AVOID pacifiers due to “nipple confusion” and while they can create some latching difficulties or contribute to slower weight gain from missed feeds, they can also be a good tool in the toolbox.

I don’t hate pacifiers. I do get frustrated at their misuse and overuse. Pacifiers can have long term impacts on teeth, palate, airway and facial development. However, some babies do need extra soothing and sucking provides the nervous system a break to calm itself.

Soooooo, while ideally I prefer to avoid them altogether, if they are necessary here are some tips I share with my clients:

  1. Be mindful of their use. Use them in the car, during diaper changes, and times you just can’t offer the breast for whatever reason!
  2. Choose a pacifier with less impacts long term. My favorites are the Avent Soothie, the straight tipped Itzy Ritzy, or anything that doesn’t have a curve, bulb, etc. on the ends
  3. Have a plan to wean off. This ideally happens around the 3-4 month mark when the suck reflex begins to go away.
  4. Avoid offering the pacifier just because. Remove once they’ve fallen asleep or calmed down. Keep usage time as low as possible.