
About Ashley Kester

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So far Ashley Kester has created 23 blog entries.

What is a Tongue Tie and How Does it Affect Breastfeeding?


Is it possible for a baby with a tongue tie to extend their tongue beyond their lips? Indeed, a baby with a tongue tie may still be able to protrude their tongue out past their lips. Having normal movement in one direction doesn't guarantee normal movement in every direction. For breastfeeding, the critical motion for [...]

What is a Tongue Tie and How Does it Affect Breastfeeding?2024-06-19T08:26:44-05:00

Benefits of seeing an IBCLC


Breastfeeding can be very challenging and you can get answers to your questions from various medical professionals, friends, family, mom groups…you name it! But not all advice is helpful for your particular situation and working with a skilled AND experienced IBCLC is imperative to helping you meet your feeding goals! Experts IBCLCs are highly trained [...]

Benefits of seeing an IBCLC2024-06-19T08:26:45-05:00

The Great Pacifier Debate


I don’t know how many times I’ve heard “I’m sure you hate pacifiers.” Its a common assumption placed on lactation consultants! For years, every one was told to AVOID pacifiers due to “nipple confusion” and while they can create some latching difficulties or contribute to slower weight gain from missed feeds, they can also [...]

The Great Pacifier Debate2024-07-02T07:17:32-05:00
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